Author: Rich Girard

Guinta and the RINOs

We publish this Op Ed in its entirety and unedited from Ed Naile, Chairman of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers about the calls for the resignation of First District Congressman Frank Guinta made by Senator Kelly Ayotte and NH House Speaker Shawn Jasper. ~Publis

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Metzler the Magnificent

We publish, unedited and in its entirety, the press release issued by the Timberlane Regional School District with respect to the whopping pay bonus and pay raise granted to Superintendent Earl F. Metzler, II.  Click here for...

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NH AG Games

We publish this Op Ed piece as submitted by Ed Naile, Chairman of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers and anchor of A Question of Voter Fraud on Girard at Large. Let’s play a little guessing game! This low-life scum that sent the fake...

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Introducing Carl “Homer” Gibson

We publish this Op Ed piece as submitted by Ed Naile, Chairman of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers and anchor of A Question of Voter Fraud on Girard at Large. They refer to him as a “liberal activist” in the media stories of the...

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