Author: Josh Jenkins

Drug court and Uber

(Hours 3a,b&c) We begin a three segment archive with Mayor Ted Gatsas, discussing the drug epidemic in Manchester.  The Mayor offers his take on the drug court, and explains how it works, and that the heroin problem is not...

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New blog format/ Derry budget meeting

(Hour 1a) Rich talks about recent changes to his blog format, and how it is now possible to connect in real time, without the annoying delay.  He then goes into a brief description of the 1st Derry budget meeting, scheduled for...

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Board of Aldermen budget meeting

(Hour 1b) This segment begins with a description of Ward 9 Alderman Barbara Shaw requesting a change in the definition of what constitutes a commercial vehicle, in response to complaints regarding landscape trucks, and smaller,...

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Manchester system doesn’t work

(Hour 3a)  Rich elaborates on Manchester school issues, particularly class room size, and offers his view of the most practical solutions. Is the district actually driving the classroom problems?  Rich includes in this archive a...

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Hallsville parent forms advocacy group

(Hour 3b) Keith Katsikas, parent of the student at Hallsville School, who was involved with the controversial bullying exercise we have been covering, joins us to tell us about his new organization.  The Student and Parents...

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Supplicants and sycophants

(Hour 1a&b)  The latest installment of the seemingly unending saga of the Timberland Regional School Board drama.  In this archive, we heard that, due to the policy of Timberlane, Danville, seeking to re-structure their...

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