New Hampshire scored WELL on the State Student Privacy Report compared to other states. That will CHANGE AND get worse if SB196 passes and signed into law in NH.
SB196 will REMOVE “informed consent,” from parents, before a non-academic survey is given to children in a public school. That means your children may be answering questions about their sex lives, gender identity, drug use, etc., and you may never know it.
4) In the private sector industry standards and best management practices require “opt in” as the standard.
carve out a special standard for schools when it comes to the issue of parental rights and privacy.
PLEASE attend the Senate Education Committee hearing on Tuesday 1/29 at 10:15am
LOCATION: Legislative Office Building behind the State Office in Concord
If you cannot make the hearing, send an e-mail to:,,,,,
Ann Marie Banfield currently volunteers as the Education Liaison for Cornerstone Action in New Hampshire. She has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can contact her at: