Sununu: Signed letter on Obamacare repeal
Governor Christopher Sununu joined with twenty of his colleagues across the country in signing a letter to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Paul Ryan urging the repeal and replacement of Obamacare just moments before the bill was pulled from the House Floor on Friday. In the letter, the governors said they agreed with Americans who want “personalized, patient-centered healthcare that treats them as individuals not a statistic,” which, they wrote, “demands we repeal Obamacare, replace it, and reform the system.”

Falling apart
The governors supported repeal, saying Obamacare is collapsing and threatening millions with the loss of heath insurance coverage as a result of the loss of carriers or skyrocketing premiums or both,. In calling for replacement, they said the majority of Americans, which receives its health insurance coverage through employers or Medicare, won’t be directly impacted by repeal. They supported a refundable tax credit to help make coverage affordable and called for a plan that gives state governments maximum flexibility to reform Medicaid and the system, arguing that if the states are more effective, more efficient and more accountable to the people, the situation will improve.
Now that the health care issue is going back to the drawing board, it’ll be interesting to see how the governors, many of whom are balancing their budgets with money from expanded Medicaid, will respond.

Vargas: Adds stops to redistricting roadshow
The Manchester School District has announced it will hold three more meetings to screen a redistricting proposal that would largely redirect where kids go to middle school. Public forums will continue to be held over the next two weeks at schools where many families would be affected if the changes are implemented. As previously announced, Superintendent Dr. Bolgen Vargas and Leslie Want, former chair of the Special Committee on Redistricting will be at Southside from five to six and McLaughlin from six thirty to seven thirty on Wednesday. On Thursday, they’ll be at Parkside from five to six and Hillside from six thirty to seven thirty.

McDonough: Parents turn out for redistricting meeting
Added to the schedule are Wilson Elementary and Hallsville on April third, from five to six and six thirty to seven thirty respectively. Also added is Weston Elementary on April fifth, from five to six. Vargas has already been to Bakersville, McDonough and Smyth Road elementary schools. At those events, Vargas has stressed that feedback will influence his final recommendations to the Board of School Committee, which is expected to vote on the matter sometime in late April or early May.
To provide those living with mild Alzheimer’s Disease or a memory disorder with opportunities for social engagement, the Massachusetts/New Hampshire chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association will host a group visit to the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester on Monday, April 10th. The event is free and part of the association’s “Alz Meet Ups” initiative, which is part of their Power + Purpose campaign. The campaign, with its motto “Live. Life. Today.,” launched in November of 2 0 1 4 to take a new approach to support and educate those impacted by the affliction, offers individuals living with Alzheimer’s the resources to continue living their lives as close to normal for as long as possible. The group visit to the Currier will begin at 11:00 a.m. and is free of charge. Reservations, which can be obtained by calling 8 0 0 .2 7 2 .3 9 0 0 are required, so call today.
We’ve linked to more information on the Power + Purpose campaign from this news read at Girard at Large dot com. Visit AlzToday.org.
News from our own backyard continues after this!

Comcast: Amherst launches survey
The town of Amherst is inviting residents to participate in an online survey about the town’s cable service. Comcast’s ten year old Cable Franchise Agreement with the town expires in October and the Board of Selectmen is looking for feedback before they start negotiations. The board established the Amherst Internet Committee to review Internet connectivity and make recommendations to maintain and improve services to assure Amherst has appropriate connectivity that meets or exceeds Internet access requirements for residents and businesses for the foreseeable future.
To that end, the survey is designed to:
- gauge how residents use the Internet today and how they expect to use it in the future,
- determine how residents prefer to access phone, T V, video and Internet, and
- assess residents’ satisfaction with and performance of their current Internet supplier. The survey launched last Friday will close on April Ninth.
In asking for participation, the committee said the survey will only take two to three minutes and be very helpful to its negotiation efforts. We’ve got the link with this newscast at Girard at Large dot com. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AmherstNH

Veterans Tax Credit expansion considered
Also in Amherst, the Board of Selectmen will meet tonight. Among the items on the agenda is a reorganization of the board and its committees. The expansion of the Veterans Tax Credit to cover all those who served is also up for a vote. We’ve linked to the agenda. http://www.amherstnh.gov/sites/amherstnh/files/agendas/1._agenda_2017.3.27_0.pdf

Willard: Chocolate for all!
The Dancing Lion Chocolate Shop in downtown Manchester has announced it will host Manchester Police Chief Nick Willard for Chocolate with the Chief. From eleven to one on Tuesday, April fourth, visitors can pop in to the store to chat with the chief over a free cup of chocolate. There’ll also be plenty of chocolate birthday cake to munch on. April fourth is Willard’s birthday and that of Dancing Lion owner Richard Tango-Lowy, a world renowned Master Chocolatier.
That’s NEWS from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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