Bedford, Candia vote today
It’s Town Election Day for Bedford and Candia today. Election officials in both towns postponed Tuesday’s elections until today due to the Attack of Snowzilla. Voters will go to the polls on both town and school district matters, including races for school board, town council and board of selectmen. Polls are open in Bedford from seven to seven and in Candia from six to seven.

Election results
The town of Auburn has released its election results from Tuesday, the original Election Day. In the only contested races on the ballot for elective office, David Dion beat Michael Rolfe for a seat on the Police Commission and Donald Marzloff defeated Dick “Vee” Vecchione for Cemetery Trustee. The only warrant articles shot down on either the town or school ballot were on the town ballot. Voters said no to fifteen thousand bucks for a radar message sign and no to one hundred forty one thousand dollars for a storage garage capital reserve. We’ve linked to the results.

Town Election Results
In election results from Amherst, Nancy Head and Kimberly Ayers were elected to be Library Trustees. David Sturrock was the odd man out in that race. Charles Vars and James Ramsay beat out Sturrock and Timothy McGibbon for seats on the Zoning Board. Voters also approved increases in property tax exemptions for the elderly, blind and disabled, while expanding its Veterans Tax Credit to cover all veterans. We’ve linked to the results.

Amherst results in, Mont Vernon votes today
On the Amherst school ballot, a school board race was decided by the flip of a coin, literally. Terri Behm topped the ticket with six hundred ninety eight votes to win one of two seats up for election to the school board. However, for the second seat, Samuel Giarrusso and John Glover tied with four hundred seventy eight votes. The district said, per state law, the seat was decided by the flip of a coin. It went to Glover. Personally, I would have gone through a recount first, but okay. Also runs in the race included Dustin Gauthier and Sabrina Rando.
Catherine Jo Butler defeated Jeff Candito for School District Treasurer, Nathaniel Jensen defeated Giarrusso for School District Moderator and Amy Facey is leading James Manning in the race for the SAU cooperative school board, whose results won’t be finalized until Mont Vernon votes today. Which reminds me, Mont Vernon, you’re voting today! We’ve linked to what they’ve published thus far.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Bradley: Praises infrastructure bill
Senator Majority Leader Jeb Bradley, Republican from Wolfeboro, and House Majority Leader Dick Hinch, Republican from Merrimack, proposed legislation which would distribute $36.8 million in surplus funds to cities and towns for road and bridge infrastructure improvements. The bill would double state bridge and highway aid, according to a statement issued by both men yesterday.
Said Bradley about the bill, quote:
We have a responsibility to use our taxpayer dollars wisely and I believe returning $36.8 million strictly for improving local roads and bridge infrastructure in our towns is the right thing to do. Strengthening our state’s infrastructure has long been a priority of the legislature and returning money to our towns is a smart way to see that many local projects will have the necessary funding to complete these improvements

Sununu: Called for legislation
Of the bill, Governor Chris Sununu, who proposed using state surpluses for one time expenses on infrastructure in his Budget Address said quote:
This is not money dedicated to the needs and wishes of state government, but rather resources directed through existing formulas to directly help local taxpayers. I’m proud to stand with the legislature and make a real difference for local communities.
The 2016 Bedford Police Department Annual Report is out and it shows a sharp decrease in residential burglaries and a re-commitment to traffic safety and community policing by the department. Burglary incidents, including commercial, residential and attempted, fell by 18 percent from 2015 to 2016. While commercial burglaries dropped by 83 percent, there was only one reported in 2016 compared to six in 2015, residential burglaries increased by twenty two percent with eleven reported in 2016 versus 9 in 2015. Bryfonski said the overall rate of residential burglaries has dropped 68 percent since 2011.

Bryfonski: Hails crime stats
Bedford Police Chief John Bryfonski attributed the decrease in burglaries to quote “the utilization of crime statistics, criminal intelligence, and intelligence-driven proactive patrols by Bedford officers” and commended the department’s detectives and patrol officers for their diligence. He also praised the Neighborhood Watch Program, calling it quote
the Department’s “eyes and ears” that we depend upon for timely information regarding suspicious activity.
We’ve published the department’s press release at Girard at Large dot come and linked to it from this news read for your convenience. It contains a link to the full report, details a five percent drop in thefts from a motor vehicle, the department’s Intensive Traffic Enforcement Program, which has caused a 46 percent increase in motor vehicle summons, an 18 percent increase in motor vehicle warnings and a 23 percent increase in arrests for driving while intoxicated, and chronicles various other initiatives.
That’s NEWS from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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