Guinta: Hammers President on ransom payment
After the State Department contradicted President Obama’s claim that no ransom had been paid to Iran in exchange for the release of American hostages on Friday, First District Congressman Frank Guinta, Republican from Manchester, issued a statement saying quote:
What is clearly a ransom payment to terrorists underscores the Administration’s dangerous approach to negotiations with the Ayatollah, the Taliban and more radical Islamists who want just one thing: ‘Death to America.’ Iran, understanding the President will bend over backwards to appease the regime, has already taken more hostages. Since the President helped pave the way to an Iranian nuclear weapon, the regime has test-fired ballistic missiles, threatened the U.S. and our allies, and expanded its influence across the Middle East. The White House also admitted its payments are probably funding the aggression. The President’s denials compound the problem, demonstrating that we need new, serious leadership.

Obama: Lied about ransom payment
Guinta’s press release cited a story in the The Wall Street Journal about the suspicious timing of a $400 million payment to Iranian authorities, coinciding with a prisoner exchange in January. In a press conference, Obama said, quote:
We have a policy that we don’t pay ransom. And the notion that we would somehow start now, in this high-profile way, and announce it to the world, even as we’re looking in the faces of other hostage families whose loved ones are being held hostage, and saying to them we don’t pay ransom, defies logic.
A State Department spokesman later conceded the cash payment in foreign currency was contingent on the release of four hostages.

Rubens: Cites report to argue for border security
Following an investigative report released by the news agency Reuters, which disclosed that record numbers of illegal aliens from Middle East terror havens are sneaking across our open southern border, G O P U S Senate candidate Jim Rubens again called for it to be secured. Reuters reported that illegal aliens from Asia, Africa and the Middle East are using an “unusual and circuitous route” through South and Central American countries which has raised concerns about security. According to the report, Mexican authorities apprehended six thousand three hundred forty two illegal Asian, African and Middle Eastern citizens trying to enter Mexico in the first six months of this year. That was up from four thousand two hundred sixty one in all of 2 0 1 5, and eighteen hundred thirty one in 2 0 1 4. From October to May, U S authorities caught 5, 3 5 0 African, Asian and Middle Eastern migrants at the U.S. Southwest border. That’s up from 6 , 1 2 6 in all of fiscal year 2 0 1 5 and 4, 1 7 2 in all of fiscal year 2014.
Said Rubens, quote:
The evidence is clear. Illegal aliens from nations and failed states harboring terrorists are using a complex transit route into the U.S. using paid smugglers and forged passports. For even the fraction apprehended, U.S Border Patrol is releasing these potentially dangerous illegals into the U.S. We have no way of knowing which of these are bad guys plotting to kill Americans.

Hassan: Open border policy?
Rubens said both incumbent Senator Kelly Ayotte and Democratic Senate candidate Governor Margaret Wood Hassan quote “agree on open borders and the continuing immigration flood” in asking voters to support him in the September thirteenth primary.” In an interview this morning, our Ins and Outs of Immigration segment anchor Eva Castillo-Turgeon took issue with Rubens’ characterization of Ayotte as an “open borders” supporter, saying she’d met with her on several occasions and that Ayotte has expressed the need to improve border security.

Sununu: Debate ducker?
Last week’s scheduled Franklin-Pierce / Monadnock Ledger debate between the Republican gubernatorial candidates was canceled as a result of last minute cancellations by Executive Councilor Chris Sununu and Senator Jeanie Forrester. That drew fire from rival Mayor Ted Gatsas, who released a statement saying that all Republican gubernatorial candidates participated in the debates hosted by Franklin Pierce University in 2012 and 2014. Gatsas said the 2016 debate date had been set for nearly two months, giving every candidate the opportunity to make time in their schedules to attend this forum.

Gatsas: Extremely disappointed
Gatsas claimed he was “extremely disappointed” that the debate did not take place, saying the debates are an important part of the election process that he takes very seriously. He took particular aim at Sununu saying quote
it should come as no surprise that Chris Sununu wants to avoid questions about his support for taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood and his votes for Governor Hassan’s pro-Common Core appointees to top state education positions. Unlike Councilor Sununu, I’m not afraid to debate and I welcome the opportunity to answer voter questions and outline my plans to restore fiscal responsibility in the corner office.

Van Ostern: Called out
On Thursday, in a separate release, Gatsas also called on Hassan and the Executive Council to delay a vote on a long-term state contract with Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health Systems for staffing at the New Hampshire Hospital. Gatsas said the recent suicide of a sixty three year old Nashua woman just hours after her release from the state facility, questions over staffing and the sudden resignation of eleven longtime staff members should be looked into before agreeing to the contract. Gatsas called on Sununu and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Executive Councilor Colin Van Ostern quote “to break their silence on this issue and join me in calling for the governor to hold off on this contract.”
News from our own backyard continues after this.

GPD: Clearview has permits
The Goffstown Police Department announced that Clearview Energy is in town going door to door seeking potential new customers. The G P D says they have permits from the town to solicit door to door.

Crystal Lake: Open again…for now
The Manchester Health Department announced it reopened the public beach at Crystal Lake for swimming over the weekend. The department says that E. coli levels had returned to acceptable levels and that they’ll continue weekly testing of the water until Labor Day. After that, you’re on your own!

Derry Town Council: Goal setting session set
The Derry Town Council will hold a goal-setting workshop on tomorrow night at 6:00 PM in the Chamber of Commerce Board Room in the Adams Memorial Building. The meeting is open to the public as the board hashes out its priorities.
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!