Guinta: After Ashooh on Obamacare repeal
In a statement issued yesterday morning, First District Congressman Frank Guinta, Republican from Manchester, called out his primary election opponent, Rich Ashooh of Bedford, on the question of whether or not Obamacare should be repealed. Guinta’s statement quoted Ashooh from a recent interview with the Union Leader saying quote:
Guinta seized the opportunity to call himself quote “an advocate for full repeal of Obamacare, and its replacement with patient-centered, free-market reforms.”
Guinta, calling Ashooh’s approach to Obamacare “meek,” said quote:
Granite Staters facing higher premiums and deductibles, even shorter hours and unemployment, because of Obamacare, are looking for bold leadership to bring them relief. Only a strong, persistent effort to fully repeal the President’s disastrous law will achieve true reform, including a vigorous economy. Tinkering around the edges, because the President disagrees, is a recipe for higher premiums, deductibles, and taxes for years to come.
Guinta said he won’t give up the fight for the state’s middle class families and small businesses and faulted Ashooh for refusing to endorse the party’s presidential nominee Donald Trump, who has pledged to repeal Obamacare.

Ashooh: Practical steps
Later in the day, Ashooh issued his own statement on the interview accusing Guinta of failing to deliver on his promise to repeal Obamacare. Ashooh said Congress had to take “practical steps that can actually be implemented,” such as increasing cost transparency, restoring power to patients, providing rewards for choosing lower priced providers, and health savings accounts. Quote:
It is long overdue to start doing the things that lower the cost of health care for Americans. If you don’t know what things cost, how can you choose the low cost option? What we need to do is start implementing a system of choice and quality that rewards innovation, and that will effectively repeal Obamacare.
Guinta said he voted to fully repeal the law and introduced the first standalone repeal of Obamacare’s 40-percent tax on employer health benefits. He said the current occupant of the White House signed a two-year delay of that 40-percent tax into law.

Rubens: Correcting the record
Also on the political front, G O P senate candidate Jim Rubens retracted a statement saying he’d been endorsed by NumbersUSA, an organization advocating for tighter controls on legal immigration in addition to a halt on illegal immigration. The campaign clarified that NumbersUSA rates candidates, but does not endorse them. The said receiving the group’s “True Reformer” rating was still no small feat and an honor to receive.
News from our own backyard continues after this.

Proposing more regulations
The Derry Fire Department has recommended changes to the town’s Fire Code. Proposed changes include the deletion of chapters 32, 36 and 50 and the creation of Chapter 51 – Fire Prevention Code, which will be a combination of retained language from deleted chapters and new language. We’re no expert, but it looks like there’s a whole lot more regulation coming Derry’s way, including a series of items that will now require permits and fees. We’ve linked to the information for those interested and expect the matter will be before the Town Council in the not too distant future.
The first day of school in Manchester for grades 1 through 12 is Tuesday, September 6th, which is right after Labor Day. The first day of school for preschool and kindergarten is Wednesday, September 14.
Click here for a download-able version of the entire schedule. Or, click the photo to enlarge it.
That’s news from our own backyard! Girard at Large hour ___ is next!
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