The following is a recap of the events in the New Hampshire House on June 16, 2016. Published as submitted by the Speaker’s Office. ~ Melanie
The House was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
Rep. Hinch moved that the House adjourn from the Session of June 1, 2016
Prayer by Guest Chaplain Father Jason Jalbert, Dir. of the Office of Worship for the Diocese of Manchester
Pledge led by the member from Conway, Tom Buco
Anthem sung by the New England Youth Singers
Leaves of Absence
Introduction of guests
Memorial resolution for the victims of the Orlando, FL shootings.
Rep. Hinch moves adoption of the resolution.(resolution adopted, voice vote)
Memorial resolution in honor and in memory of the Representative from Newmarket, the Honorable Marcia Moody
Rep. Shurtleff moves adoption of the resolution (resolution adopted, voice vote)
Reps. Hinch and Shurtleff move the suspension of rules to allow the introduction of HB-1000 FN-A
The motion to suspend the rules passes, 241-97, roll call vote.
Rep. Hinch moves to approve HB 1000-FN-A
Reps Hinch and Shurtleff move to limit debate to 15 minutes per side
The motion to limit debate is adopted, 207-126, roll call vote.
Rep. Burt offers floor amendment #2174
Rep Sullivan moves to recess. The speaker moves that a motion to amend is a higher motion.
The motion to adopt floor amendment #2174 fails, 110-214, roll call vote.
Rep. Higgins moves to allow the gentlemen to remove their jackets. (The motion is adopted, voice vote)
Rep.Hannon moves the adoption of floor amendment #2187
The amendment is defeated, (87-220) roll call vote.
Rep. Hoell moves floor amendment #2188
The amendment is defeated, (100-214) roll call vote.
Rep. Abramson moves to reconsider the vote on amendment #21666.
The motion is defeated, (81-231) division vote.
Rep. Hoell moves floor amendment #2189
The amendment is defeated, (95-219) roll call vote.
Rep. Rideout moves floor amendment #2190
The amendment is defeated, (93-222) roll call vote.
Rep. Hannon moves floor amendment #2193
The amendment is defeated, (93-222) roll call vote.
Rep. Sullivan moves floor amendment #2194
The amendment is defeated, (101-213) roll call vote.
Rep. Phillips moves to suspend the rules to allow for non-germane amendments
The motion fails, division vote, 91-223
The motion of OTP on HB 1000-FN-A is adopted, (235-74), roll call vote
Veto messages
Notwithstanding the governor’s veto, shall HB512 become law?
The veto is sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote, 169-130, roll call.
Notwithstanding the governor’s veto, shall HB533 become law?
The veto is sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote, 179-112, roll call.
Notwithstanding the governor’s veto, shall HB582 become law?
The veto is sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote, 150-117, roll call.
Notwithstanding the governor’s veto, shall HB1208 become law?
The veto is sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote, 145-108, roll call.
Notwithstanding the governor’s veto, shall HB1266 become law?
The veto is sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote, 132-119, roll call.
Notwithstanding the governor’s veto, shall HB1266 become law?
The veto is sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote, 132-119, roll call.
Notwithstanding the governor’s veto, shall HB1637-FN become law?
The veto is sustained, lacking the necessary two-thirds vote, 147-105, roll call.
Rep. Groen moves to correct the Permanent Journal of Feb. 4.(the words born and unborn were removed from the chaplain’s prayer).
The motion to amend the journal is defeated, lacking the necessary two-thirds votes, 118-103, roll call.
Rep. Eastman moves that the debate of the issue of amending the permanent journal be printed in the permanent journal.
The motion to print the debate is defeated, lacking the necessary two-thirds votes, 115-105.
The House is adjourned to the call of the chair.