A few days ago, the US Dept/Ed released a press story for the proposed rule making session/comment period for the ESSA state accountability goals.
Now, what Ed DOESN’T say in the Press Release is that the Rules are 192 pages long; that the goals are in fact, regulations, mandates, and restricting reforms in the name of student achievement; that the populations of special needs, homeless, foster care students will be changed from certain funding to Academic Achievement Indicating calculated formulas; that ALL schools, as well as public schools will have many, many hoops to jump through.
I urge you to read the rules..and to share the REAL news.
Public comments are only going to be taken from today until Aug. 1st, 2016.
Here is an current article and good research but it only covers about the first 30 pages so far:
Senators Ayotte and Shaheen and Cong. Kuster voted FOR “ESSA”
Cong. Guinta listened to his constituents and voted AGAINST “ESSA”
Ann Marie Banfield currently volunteers as the Education Liaison for Cornerstone Action in Bedford, New Hampshire. She has been researching education reform for over a decade and actively supports parental rights, literacy and academic excellence in k-12 schools. You can reach her at: abanfield@nhcornerstone.org