In every account of Jesus’ appearances to his disciples after He rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, He greeted his disciples with the words “Peace be with you.”
Jesus’ words of healing and mercy were directed to those feeling acutely the loss of Him in whom they so fervently believed. Indeed, it must have seemed to Jesus’ disciples on that Good Friday nearly two millennia ago that evil had won, just as it seems to us today in so many places throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East, whose inhabitants daily endure seemingly interminable violence, persecution, even martyrdom.
But as Catholic Christians, we live not only by the cross of Good Friday, but by believing in the promise of the Resurrection. And just as that first Easter Sunday proved to the disciples that evil ultimately does not triumph over good, so too must we believe that the human heart, no matter how troubled, ultimately seeks light, life, and hope.
This Good Friday and Easter I ask you to join with me in praying that all may approach with mercy and forgiveness the stranger in our midst, those with whom we disagree politically, the poor. And in this Jubilee Year of Mercy I pray that His healing mercy, which offers new life to all, may bring peace to our nation and to our world.