Dear Manchester Voter:
It is a requirement of the Manchester City Charter that candidates for office file both within ten days before and after the municipal primary and general elections.
Please be advised that I have not filed my pre-primary filing and may not file with the city at all.
Certainly, I believe the charter is to be followed. That said, we have all seen both the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the Board of School Committee act with reckless disregard for the charter, various policies and procedures, and the state’s Right to Know Law, among others. If the boards, their members and the staffs that are supposed to advise them within the confines of the law and their policies and procedures continually abdicate their responsibilities, then how better to draw attention, in a consequential way, to their failings by an act of civil disobedience similar to their own transgressions?
While I have not yet decided to withhold my filing reports for the duration of the campaign, please know that I will publish, on this site, a complete list of all campaign contributions received and expenditures made as I believe in full public disclosure.
As always, your comments are welcomed!