It’s starting to look that way.

On Thursday July 9th, Congress voted to pass H.R.5 by just five votes. You can access the roll call here: (Note: Congressman Frank Guinta voted YES and Annie Kuster voted NO)

According to House Republicans Betray Common Core Moms, “the bill instead serves the testing industry rather than the people.” H.R. 5 would replace the failed No Child Left Behind Act with a new 800 page federal law.

Accountability is no longer to parents but to unelected bureaucrats pushing education reforms that have left many parents in New Hampshire angry and frustrated.

While there may be some language in H.R. 5 that appears to support local control in education, it’s important to note that there were significant problems in the Bill that will continue to plague public schools:

The biggest problems with H.R. 5:
1) Serves the testing industry rather than the people
2) Is an assault on child privacy interests
3) Removes protection against socio-emotional profiling in the statewide assessments
4) Fails to protect against psychological data-gathering
5) Dictates the type of assessments that compile and analyze psychological profiles on children
6) Requires assessment on behavioral skills rather than academic achievement
7) Grants the U.S. Department of Education additional power
8) Federal dollars would be tied to the Department’s approval of a state education plan
9) The language gives the federal government the tool to push states to keep Common Core
10) The language that appears to limit the federal overreach has been in place but did not stop the Feds with Common Core
11) The prohibitions lack an enforcement mechanism

The Senate version S.1177 includes many of the same problems found in H.R.5. It’s important for New Hampshire voters to continue contacting their U.S. Senators and Congressmen to let them know that these measures need to be repealed and not re-authorized.
Contact Senator Kelly Ayotte
Contact Congressman Frank Guinta