As provided by the Speaker’s Office, we publish the list of actions taken in General Session by the New Hampshire House of Representatives yesterday. ~Publis
Bills removed from consent: None
Consent Calendar. The consent calendar was passed on a voice vote.
HB 25-FN-A, making appropriations for capital improvements. OUGHT TO PASS WITH AMENDMENT.
Amendment to HB 25-FN-A
(2015-1121h) Proposed by the Committee on Public Works and Highways – r
Amend RSA 279:1, XVI as inserted by section 2 of the bill by replacing it with the following:
Ballroom” means an indoor facility which has seating accommodations for at least 500 patrons, provides live entertainment, and is licensed by the New Hampshire liquor commission.
The committee report of OTP/A passes on a Voice Vote.
A motion to special order HB FN-A to the front was passed on a voice vote.
HB 2-FN-A-L, relative to state fees, funds, revenues, and expenditures. MAJORITY: OUGHT TO PASS WITH AMENDMENT. MINORITY: INEXPEDIENT TO LEGISLATE.
Committee Amendment to HB 2-FN-A
(2015-1163h) Proposed by the Majority of the Committee on Finance – r The committee amendment (1163h) passes on a Roll Call, 219-161.
(2015-1199h) Proposed by Rep. Stepanek and Repl. C. McGuire
- Directs an appropriation reduction for the office of operating performance within the department of administrative services.
- Directs appropriation reductions for the renewable energy fund and the university system of New Hampshire.
- Transfers funds from the revenue stabilization reserve account to the general fund.
The amendment (1199h) passes on a Roll Call, 210-170.
Rep. Shurtleff motion to place debate on the amendment in the permanent journal fails in a voice vote.
Floor Amendments to HB 2-FN-A
(2015-1162h) Proposed by Reps. Ohm, Azarian—
This bill allows the operation and playing of keno games, provides for licensing of keno game operators by the lottery commission, and directs revenues from keno to the department of health and human services to address problem gamblers and to the education trust fund.
The amendment (1162h) passes on a Roll Call, 206-176.
(2015-1165h) Proposed by Reps. Hatch, Almy
- Increases the tobacco tax, redefines tobacco products under the tobacco tax to include nicotine vapor products, but excludes such tax on premium cigars.
- Revises the tobacco tax revenue estimates for the 2016 and 2017 fiscal years.
- Increases the reasonable compensation deduction under the business profits tax.
- Changes certain business profits tax laws to prevent the diversion of business income to certain offshore tax havens.
- Revises the business tax revenue estimates.
- Revises the meals and rooms tax revenue estimates.
- Provides that any budget surplus for the close of fiscal biennium ending June 30, 2015 shall remain in the general fund.
The amendment (1165h) was defeated on a Roll Call, 234-147.
(2015-1212h) Proposed by Reps. Smith and Walsh
- Appropriates funds to the department of administrative services for the biennium ending June 30, 2017 for the purpose of implementing the state employee parking benefit agreed to in the collective bargaining agreement.
- Allows the commissioner of administrative services to determine the health insurance premium contribution percentages for retired state employees and judges.
- Makes appropriations for salary increases for state employees.
The amendment (1212h) was defeated on a Roll Call, 199-167.
(2015-1215h) Proposed by Reps. Leishman, Ford and M.Smith
- Continually appropriates the trust fund for the NH Land and Community Heritage Program (LCHP).
- Revises appropriations to the department of treasure and revised county nursing homes payments for long-term care.
- Postpones the requirements that moderators photograph voters without identification to July 1, 2017.
The amendment fails on a Roll Call Vote, 212-163.
(2015-1193h) Proposed by Rep. C. McGuire
Delete paragraph 17, relative to the authority of the fish and game department to adopt fees for license and permits.
The amendment fails on a Roll Call Vote, 207-163
(2015-1194h) Proposed by Rep. C. McGuire
Requires retired employees to provide proof of enrollment in Medicare Parts A and B to remain eligible to participate in the state retiree benefit plan and the judicial
retirement plan, and changes the premium contribution percentages for retirees.
The amendment (1194) was defeated on a Division Vote, 196-151
(2015-1196h) Proposed by Rep. Rowe
Deletes paragraph 102.
The amendment (1196h) was passed on a Roll Call Vote, 334-34
(2015-1208h) Proposed by Reps. Hoell, Itse, and Goulette
Delete paragraph 109.
The amendment (1208h) was defeated 273-91 on a Roll Call Vote.
The motion of OTP as amended on HB 2-FN-A-L passes on a Roll Call Vote, 194-179.
Motion (Rep. Flanagan) to reconsider HB 2-FN-A-L is defeated on a Roll Call Vote, 217-161.
HB 1-A, making appropriations for the expenses of certain departments of the state for fiscal years ending June 30, 2016 and June 30, 2017.
The committee amendment (1164h) passes on a Roll Call, 210-162
Floor Amendments to HB 1-A
(2015-1168h) Proposed by Reps. Wallner, Nordgren, Rogers
The amendment (1168h) was defeated in a Roll Call vote, 193-182.
(2015-1170h) Proposed by Reps. Rogers, Eaton
The amendment (1170h) is defeated in a Roll Call vote, 214-157.
(2015-1171h) Proposed by Reps. Eaton, Ford, Buco
The amendment (1171h) is defeated in a Roll Call vote, 218-151.
(2015-1172h) Proposed by Reps. Nordgren, Rosenwald
The amendment (1172) is defeated 209-159.
(2015-1219h) Proposed by Reps. Hannon, Rouillard, Edelblut, Zaricki, Fisher, Guerette, and Hurt.
The amendment (1219h) is defeated in a Roll Call, 233-138.
The committee report of HB-1-A as amended passes on a Roll Call vote, 212-161.