(Hour 2b) We believe it’s crucial for Manchester parents to understand that if they don’t want their children taking the smarter balanced tests, they can opt out.
A fact that Hooksett Superintendent Charles Littlefield apparently didn’t get the memo on. He seems to believe that the idea is an internet hoax.
Rich read the riot act on Littlefield’s misinformation campaign. It’s the sort of misinformation we’ve frankly grown used to from the folks at the NH BOE. Hooksett SB member John Lyscars has something to say to NH DOE Commissioner Virginia Barry about it:
Lyscars Blasts Barry on Common Core
School Board members and teachers in Manchester are speaking out, too. So is MEA President Ben Dick about “redundant” testing. It seems the only thing more redundant than the testing are the lies educrats sold Common Core with.
Is the Queen City on the brink of an all out revolt over Common Core?
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RSA 186:11 – IX-c. Require school districts to
adopt a policy allowing an exception to specific course material based on a
parent’s or legal guardian’s determination that the material is objectionable.
Such policy shall include a provision requiring the parent or legal guardian to
notify the school principal or designee in writing of the specific material to
which they object and a provision requiring an alternative agreed upon by the
school district and the parent, at the parent’s expense, sufficient to enable
the child to meet state requirements for education in the particular subject
area. The name of the parent or legal guardian and any specific reasons
disclosed to school officials for the objection to the material shall not be
public information and shall be excluded from access under RSA 91-A.