Submitted by Ed Naile, Chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers.
When the world is expecting something of substance from you and you are out playing golf you are the worst golfer in the World.
When you sold yourself as a new kind of international leader and the chance to prove it comes knocking at your door and you are out playing golf you are the worst golfer in the World.
If you ever bragged about having international expertise and international incidents are actually shoving your national failures off the front page while you are out playing golf you are the Worst golfer in the World.
When your sense of self importance overshadows your responsibility to American citizens all over the planet and you are out playing golf you are the worst golfer in the World.
And to top it off, if you are a lousy golfer to begin with and you are simply having American taxpayers fund your compulsion to run away from reality you are indeed the Worst golfer in the World.