(Hour 3a) Rich, Sara and Dave discussed coffee and coffee ice cream then segway to “ObamaCore.” Common Core advocates in New York are witnessing an uprising, as evidenced by one very angry New York School Teacher who gave the NY Commissioner of Education and other Educrats an EARFUL!
Watch the video for yourself NY Teacher at Common Core Forum
State law provides for “exemptions” to statewide assessments, but the NH BoE adopted rules which set the bar too high for parents to reasonably expect to obtain an exemption. Thus many parents simply “refuse” to allow their child to take statewide assessments; approximately 800 or more do so each year.
However, parents may Opt-Out of “objectionable” assessment materials under :
RSA 186:11
IX-c. Require school districts to adopt a policy allowing an exception
to specific course material based on a parent’s or legal guardian’s
determination that the material is objectionable. Such policy shall
include a provision requiring the parent or legal guardian to notify the
school principal or designee in writing of the specific material to
which they object and a provision requiring an alternative agreed upon
by the school district and the parent, at the parent’s expense,
sufficient to enable the child to meet state requirements for education
in the particular subject area. The name of the parent or legal
guardian and any specific reasons disclosed to school officials for the
objection to the material shall not be public information and shall be
excluded from access under RSA 91-A.
More information on Opting Out: http://nhfamiliesforeducation.org/content/opting-out-common-core-aligned-smarter-balanced-assessments-new-hampshire