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The votes are in and the tallies are now official.  Mayor Ted Gatsas received eight thousand one hundred and six votes, or fifty two point four six percent of the ballots cast, two more than the unofficial tally released after the election.  Alderman Patrick Arnold‘s vote tally remained seven thousand one hundred sixty three, or forty six point three six percent of the vote.  One hundred eighty two people, or one point one percent, either left the ballot blank or wrote someone in.  Similar minor adjustments were seen up and down the ballot, including a one vote increase for Alderman Joe Kelly Levasseur, who successfully got the vote on one of his alleged aliases, none of which were registered to vote by the way, counted in the final tally.  Ward 12 aldermanic candidate Roger Beauchamp who lost by thirty six votes to Keith Hirschmann has asked for a recount.  We’ve posted the official results for all races with this newscast at Girard at Large dot com for your convenience.  Municipal Election Results (Citywide Races – Ward Summary) Municipal Election Results (All Races – Ward Details)

The New Hampshire Supreme Court ruled yesterday on the appeals filed by convicted cop killer Michael Addison.  Addision was convicted of killing Manchester Police Officer Michael Briggs in October of two thousand six and sentenced to death.  With its unanimous decision, which was more than two hundred forty pages long, the justices turned down all twenty two of the defense attorney’s challenges to the conviction.  However, the court has yet to rule whether or not the imposition of the death penalty was justified, something they must do under New Hampshire law before its being imposed.  The justices have asked for further briefings and arguments before issuing that decision.  Assistant Police Chief Nick Willard, when asked for comment on the decision, simply said quote “It’s a great thing.”  End quote.

The Hooksett Chamber of Commerce is holding a seminar for small businesses on the so called Affordable Care Act entitled It’s Decision Time.  Hugh Curley, Economic Development Specialist from the New Hampshire office of the U.S. Small Business Administration, will lead the ObamaCare seminar, providing specific emphasis on provisions that will impact decisions by small businesses, including the self-employed.  He will explain the individual mandate, small business tax credit opportunities, the Marketplace and SHOP, and other key small business provisions of the act.  The event, which will be held at the Hooksett Public Library, is free and open to the public.  We’ve linked to the on line registration page for your convenience.

News from our own backyard continues after this.

Hooksett School Board Vice Chairman David Pearl and Clerk John Lyscars have invoked the rules to call a special meeting of the Hooksett School Board on the evening of Monday, November eighteenth at 7 in the Cawley Middle School Media Center.  The pair has been completely frustrated in their attempts to discuss either the impact of the Manchester Tuition Contract Settlement with the board or get any public feedback on the proposed Pinkerton tuition agreement or the memorandums of understanding proposed for several towns.  Board Chair Trisha The Gavel Korkosz and the two other members of the working majority on the board have disallowed agenda items and discussion on the matters.  The purpose of the meeting is to ” Review with the public any tuition agreements being considered by the board and to receive public input regarding the agreements.”  Lyscars said he and Pearl believe it is essential the the public be made aware of terms of agreement that could effect their child’s education, before they are voted on and is encouraging parents to make every effort to attend.  Any bets the other 3 school board members won’t?

Got ObamaCare?  Nope, and now another twenty two thousand of our friends and neighbors in the Granite State won’t have their current health care plan either.  Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield has announced that the new healthcare law is forcing them to terminate plans that now cover that many people.  Meanwhile, information from a super secret meeting between the President and Democrats in the senate was not so mysteriously leaked, including how Senator Jeanne Shaheen read President Barry the riot act for the disastrous roll out of ObamaCare.  State G O P Chairman Jennifer Horn had a field day with that story, reminding everyone that Jeanne Shaheen, health care machine, was the deciding vote enabling the passage of ObamaCare, hammering Shaheen for blindly following along with the President’s lie about keeping your coverage if you like it.  Meanwhile, Citizens for a Strong N H piled on demanding to know whether or not Shaheen and First District Congresswoman Carol Shea Porter knew that twenty two thousand Granite Staters would lose their health care coverage and restated the President’s lie to mislead us anyway.  And, Second District Republican Congressional Candidate Col.  Gary Lambert nuked Congresswoman Annie Kuster for taking “absolutely zero action,” that’s a quote, while ObamaCare wreaks havoc on the state.  The statements are posted with this newscast just for fun!

That’s news from our own backyard, Girard at Large hour ___ is on the way.