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As we attempted to get caught up on the backlog of email in our inbox at Girard at Large, we came across a statement released by Manchester City Democratic Committee Chair Liz Kulig on Monday attacking Ward 6 aldermaicn candidate Joe WhittenGirard at Large reported the prior Friday that supporters of Alderman Garth Corriveau had taken and destroyed a Whitten sign located on the property of the Chill Spa on Hanover Street and told the owner that having the sign could be bad for their business.  Whitten confronted Daniel Paul Sullivan, whose property abuts the spa’s after being told by the spa owner of her conversation with Sullivan.  Sullivan, said Whitten, admitted to taking the sign and said he disposed of it because he accidentally fell on it and broke it.  After Whitten reported the theft and destruction to police, the sign reappeared on the spa’s property, all taped up to fix the damage apparently done by a cutting device.  However, the business owner asked Whitten to remove the sign saying she’d received several intimidating phone calls from anonymous folks that said having the sign on her property would be bad for her businesses.  In an on air interview with us on Wednesday, Whitten told the story of what happened himself in all its shocking detail.  Given all that as background, we asked Kulig if she still wanted her statement read as it didn’t appear to be on point with the charges made.  She said yes, so here goes.  Kulig wrote quote:  “Clearly Mr. Whitten is coming unhinged as Manchester voters find out his is a shill for the reckless Tea Party and refuse to support his campaign.”  She wrote he’s supported by the same extremists that shutdown the government and elected former New Hampshire House Speaker Bill O’Brien and that instead of wasting taxpayer resources on frivolous complaints to the police, he should consider the multitude of reasons Ward Six has to vote against him on Tuesday.  When asked for comment, Whitten simply asked quote “seriously?”  We have, of course, posted the statement.

Police in Goffstown have issued a statement reminding folks of the coming Winter parking rules.  Beginning November fifteenth, there is a ban on parking overnight on the town’s streets.  They say for the first week, if weather is favorable, they’ll issue written warnings to remind folks of the ban, which is a good thing since their press release didn’t contain the hours of the ban.  It did, however have info regarding snow removal and related items.  It’s posted for your convenience.

News from our own backyard continues after this.

Candia Police have made an arrest in conjunction with an accident that left two Candia motorcycle riders with serious injuries.  You may recall a Girard at Large listener and volunteer Candia firefighter calling in not so long ago to share that proceeds from a Candia Cruzin’ classic car event were being donated to Ryan and Celina Marion, a young couple who had been badly injured in the accident.  Well twenty seven year old Nathan Noel of Raymond turned himself in on a Candia Police warrant charging him with multiple offenses.  He will be arraigned on November twenty seventh.

The good times keep rolling at the Hooksett School Board.  Board Clerk John Lycars released an email chain showing that for more than a week, Board Chair Trisha Korkosz refused to acknowledge his request that certain pieces of information be included with the agenda for the board’s coming meeting on the high school situation.  The email chain shows Korkosz did not reply to, or even acknowledge Lyscars requests that an updated high school enrollment report, the settlement agreement with Manchester, and materials involving the role and responsibilities of board members including a court case on the matter, no doubt a reference to his charge that board member Phil Denbow is acting in his own best financial interest on the high school issue, be on the agenda.  Failing to get any response, Lyscars forwarded the chain to Superintendent Charles P. Littlefield, who replied letting him know all items were in the packet.  Lyscars email to Littlefield suggested that if Korkosz wasn’t going to follow policy when interacting with the board on agenda items, perhaps Littlefield should work with Board Vice Chair David Pearl to make the necessary arrangements.

Finally this morning, we’re pleased to announce that Girard at Large will broadcast election night results, analysis and interviews LIVE here on New Hampshire Family Radio and will also anchor Manchester Public Television‘s live election night coverage.  The fun starts at 6 PM and you’ll be able to stream us live, listen on the radio and watch on the TV as we broadcast from Mayor Ted Gatsas‘ election night headquarters at The Derryfield Restaurant.  Former Alderman at-Large Mike Lopez will co-host the event with Your Ever Humble Host and help share results as they come in, reports from the polls and more.  Plus, be sure to check Girard at Large for the more than 60 candidate interviews we’ve done during this campaign season and the dozens of news stories, which is why we’re the undisputed home of election coverage and news in this town!

That’s news from our own backyard, Girard at Large hour ___ starts right now.