(Hour 2a, 3a) Common Core is going to be a BIG issue in the upcoming local elections. The feedback we’ve gotten from our listeners and that local candidates Joe Witten and Christine Duffley have heard from constituents is unmistakable. The Dept. of Education is moving to blunt opposition to Common Core in the state of NH. Why? Many opponents are afraid to speak out. The politics of it all are nauseating, but the bottom line is that none of this has even been approved by our School Board! Rich also mentioned Kathy Benuck, who had a terrific interview with Dr. Sandra Stotsky and Bedford Superintendant Tim Mayes on Bedford Community Television. Jon DiPietro called in to share his and his daughter’s frustration with Memorial High School due to the classroom chaos of Common Core. “NOBODY knows what’s going on!”
(Hour 2a) Audio Player
(Hour 3a) Audio Player