(Hour 3b, c) We had a fantastic interview with former Manchester Superintendent Tom Brennan. He had much to say on Common Core, the Ivory Tower vs. the Business Sector and what we’re failing to teach our kids to prepare them to enter the workforce. “We’ve talked about it for years (and years), it’s time to put our energy and resources into getting it done!”
Rich read from Common Core recommended First Grade English books now being used in Utah. Brennan’s response says it all.
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Could this man have been anymore clueless? It frightens me that these people in high places have no idea (or pretend not to have an idea) about the stuff being pushed on our kids in the public schools!
Seriously. Brennan shows a lack of leadership in his district. He complains about what is going on in his classes!! This is the problem. Teachers and Administrators know what works but follow along these dumbed down standards instead of teaching the basics: math/reading/grammar/science, etc.
Quite bowing down to the master and do what’s RIGHt!