Members of the New Hampshire legislature’s Joint Health Care Oversight Committee learned  yesterday that the costs imposed by ObamaCare will result in significant reductions to the Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield hospital network.  These access reductions will impact insurance plans sold on and off the ObamaCare exchanges set to open in October.  Representatives from Anthem testified before the committee that the taxes and fees associated with the federal law as well as the essential benefits changes mandated by the ObamaCare exchanges necessitated the plan adjustments in order to prevent significant cost increases.  Despite the reductions, however, the representatives also testified that price increases are still expected next year.  Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley, Republican of Wolfeboro referred to the situation as “health care rationing” and said quote “families throughout New Hampshire are going to receive a real wake-up call on the costs and consequences of ObamaCare.”  Responding to the refusal of Department of Insurance officials to answer committee questions because of confidentiality requirements, Bedford Senator Andy Sanborn said quote “It is troublesome that the executive branch knew about these network reductions back in July and, despite what they would mean to patients, still saw fit to approve these contracts.  And now, they are declining to answer important, fundamental questions about what they will mean for the citizens of New Hampshire.”  We got a lot of stuff in our inbox on this and it’s all posted with this news read at Girard at Large dot com. Senate President Statement on ObamaCare rationing, GOP Senate Majority on ObamaCare rationing, NH GOP Statement on ObamaCare Rationing, NH House GOP Statement on ObamaCare Rationing

Meanwhile, former Republican State Senator Gary Lambert announced his bid for Congress in the Second District yesterday. The retired Marine said we could do better.  No kidding.  We’ve posted his statement, too.  Lambert Announcement Release

News from our hope got dashed when change came to our backyard continues after this

The Manchester Police Department is hosting a community meeting tonight starting at 6 at the Officer Michael Briggs Community Center at the Corner of Beech Street and Lake Ave.  Rising crime in the city has the department pulling out all the stops to meet with residents, answer their questions and inform them of what they can do.  The public is encouraged to attend.

The Hooksett School Board voted at its meeting earlier this week to send the court approved tuition settlement with Manchester to the State Board of Education to seek its recognition as a tuition contract.  Still not sure why they’re doing that or what they gain by it.  Anyway, the outline of an agreement with Pinkerton was brought forward and the board voted to enter into negotiations with the school.  It also resurrected the multi school contract option.  Members of the public also accused the board and its chair, Trisha the Gavel Korkosz, of violating the state’s Right to Know Law.

As part of this weekend’s coming Centennial Celebration of Gill Stadium, a P O W /M I A Memorial Chair will be dedicated during the ceremonies on Sunday, September eighth at eleven A M at Gill.  Rolling Thunder Inc chapter New Hampshire Number One will participate in the ceremony.  We interviewed Rolling Thunder President Bob McGuigan several months ago after they first asked the city to accept a chair to honor those missing in action.

The Most Reverend Peter Libasci, Bishop of Manchester, is asking the people of the Diocese of Manchester to unite themselves with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, this Saturday, September 7, by fasting and gathering for prayer for peace in Syria. The Pope has chosen September 7th for this peace prayer effort to mark the vigil o the birth of Mary, Queen of Peace.  In issuing his statement, which is available with this news cast, Bishop Libasci said in praying for peace in Syria, we are also praying and hoping for the release of one of our own, journalist James Foley of Rochester,  who disappeared in northwest Syria on Thanksgiving Day 2012.

That’s news from our own backyard, Girard at Large hour ___ is straight ahead


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