The agenda wasn’t on line for the work session, but I’ve got a hard copy. It starts with “The role of the superintendent,” then goes to “the role of the school board, etc…Dr. Livingston has a copy of John Maxwell’s 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork in front of her. This could be interesting…Blog along live with us. Please share your comments!
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No TV coverage, so please give us a blow by blow account.
doing my best. It’s not really possible to eaves drop on all the conversations.
I have an extra barf bag from my last trip to the ER. Shall I bring it down to you?
Not that bad. I’ve been through stuff like this. Even read the book she’s working off. This just might be good.
Sorry Art, the cameras and the press keep you honest so that you can’t make up stories as you go. If you want shenanigans, go take a Union job.
Switch partners and discuss? Wasn’t that a SNL skit?
It’s a little hokey, but it looks like it’s having an impact…stay tuned.
Imagine that – all these Big Ideas, when I thought they were elected to improve the education/academic skills of our children. I must have missed something!
Anybody pulling a “Shrek” and walking around with finger and their thumb, in the shape of an “L” on their forehead?
Nope, it’s actually been constructive.
I really can’t wait to see video on this! Please tell us MPTV is there recording this!!!
they are recording. It’s kind of interesting.
You need DJ Dave to play the Jeopardy music while you wait!
Maybe some movie themes to set the mood.
It would be more fun to write what the role of the Supt. is NOT. Does she have a psychology degree? If she will do this to our adult elected officials, what will she do to our children???? God help us, the Manchester students are about to be turned into guinea pigs and will be data-mined like lab rats. Can somebody please call Vinnie the Super back and tell him we’ll hire him for the year?!?
How many board members have a copy of that book?
To which book are you referring?