Sen. Bradley Statement on Senate Votes Against Tobacco Tax Increase and to Indefinitely Postpones Gas Tax Hike
The New Hampshire Senate
Republican Majority Office
May 23, 2013
Tom Cronin
Sen. Bradley Statement on Senate Votes Against Tobacco Tax Increase and to Indefinitely Postpones Gas Tax Hike
Concord, NH – Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley issued the following statement today after the Senate voted 13-11 to kill an increase in the tobacco tax, and voted 18-6 to indefinitely postpone debate on the gas tax increase:
“Republicans ran on a platform of protecting taxpayers and encouraging job growth and today took a clear and decisive stand in that regard by opposing millions of dollars in new taxes on New Hampshire consumers, families, and businesses.
“A number of Republicans supported Gov. Hassan’s nontax revenue source: a single casino. However, the Governor failed to convince members of her party in the House to support this voluntary revenue source despite her exhaustive lobbying effort. Republicans will not now abandon their steadfast commitment to that state’s taxpayers and economy in order to fund the Governor’s tax and spend agenda.”
According to the bills’ fiscal notes, combined, the tobacco and gas tax increases voted on today would have cost New Hampshire consumers and motorists over $50 million next year and nearly $1.2 billion over the next decade.