From MPD:
Attention Parents – Do not stop in the roadway to drop off or pick-up your children at any school.
In response to GAL’s investigative reports (which can be seen in this video), the MPD has issued the following advisory:
Advisory: Attention Parents – Do not stop in the roadway to drop off or pick-up your children at any school.
Attention Manchester School District Parents
The Manchester Police Department asks all parents who drop off their children at any school to do so in a safe manner. Stopping in the roadway to drop off your child is an unsafe practice and we will be stepping up our enforcement efforts to curtail this behavior. Please pull to the right side of the roadway so that you are completely out of the travel lanes before allowing your child to exit your vehicle and advise your child to cross the street in a safe manner using a clearly marked crosswalk if available.
Thank you
Sergeant Andrew R. Vincent
Patrol Division – Traffic Unit Supervisor
Manchester Police Department
405 Valley St
Manchester, NH 03103
603-624-6343 (FAX)