Sen. Sanborn Statement on Committee Vote on HB370
The New Hampshire Senate
Majority Office
April 9, 2013
Tom Cronin
Sen. Sanborn Statement on Committee Vote on HB370
Concord, NH – Sen. Andy Sanborn, R-Bedford, issued the following statement today after the Senate Health, Education, and Human Services Committee recommended Inexpedient to Legislate on HB370, a bill to repeal the Education Opportunity Tax Credit Scholarship program established last session:
“The School Choice Scholarship program passed last year gives more options to students and parents, protects taxpayers, and encourages businesses to invest in the workforce of the future. Since it was enacted, the program has garnered significant interest from students, parents, and business owners who applied to it based on their understanding of the law. The Committee believes legislation repealing this innovative school choice program just months after it went into effect is premature, and we look forward to the full Senate affirming that decision when this bill is on the floor next week.”