Show Archive – February 4th, 2012

9 audio clips available
Guests and topics included:

  • We talk about the Super Bowl and Rich calls out the Patriots ownership and tells them to stop looking in the rear-view miror and get rid of Tom Brady! DJ Dave sets Rich straight, though.
  • State Rep John Hikel came in to discuss the Al Kaprielian Bobble-Head Doll he gave us to auction off for charity. Afterwards, Rich and John discuss the Educational Opportnity scholarship bill in the statehouse.
  • Paul Mailhot, VP of Business Operations at Dyn Inc, came in to talk about the great work they’re doing around the community. Think they’re planning to leave the Queen City? Find out right here.
  • Tom Brennan, Superintendent of Manchester Schools, came in to BREAK NEWS about redistricting. Dr. Brennan is moving ahead with his redistricting plan! If Tom had his way, what would things look like in Manchester? Rich asks and Tom answers.
  • Greg Mason, founder of Merrimack River Technology, came in to extend last week’s discussion about cell phones by bringing in tablets!



Show Archive – February 4th, 2012

9 audio clips available
Guests and topics included:

  • We talk about the Super Bowl and Rich calls out the Patriots ownership and tells them to stop looking in the rear-view miror and get rid of Tom Brady! DJ Dave sets Rich straight, though.
  • State Rep John Hikel came in to discuss the Al Kaprielian Bobble-Head Doll he gave us to auction off for charity. Afterwards, Rich and John discuss the Educational Opportnity scholarship bill in the statehouse.
  • Paul Mailhot, VP of Business Operations at Dyn Inc, came in to talk about the great work they’re doing around the community. Think they’re planning to leave the Queen City? Find out right here.
  • Tom Brennan, Superintendent of Manchester Schools, came in to BREAK NEWS about redistricting. Dr. Brennan is moving ahead with his redistricting plan! If Tom had his way, what would things look like in Manchester? Rich asks and Tom answers.
  • Greg Mason, founder of Merrimack River Technology, came in to extend last week’s discussion about cell phones by bringing in tablets!

Hour Number One

Hour 1 kicks off with today’s news and then Rich, DJ Dave and Steve discuss the Super Bowl! Did Rich even see it? Find out!

[dewplayer: Hour 1a.mp3]

Rich calls out the Patriots ownership and tells them to stop looking in the rear-view miror and get rid of Tom Brady, DJ Dave sets Rich straight.

[dewplayer: Hour 1b.mp3]

State Rep John Hikel came in to discuss the Al Kaprielian Bobble-Head Doll he gave us to auction off for charity. Afterwards, Rich and John discuss the Educational Opportunity scholarship bill in the statehouse.

[dewplayer: Hour 1c.mp3]

Hour Number Two

Rich wants to get back into his political groove and Jack in Manchester called in to help him do just that.

[dewplayer: Hour 2a.mp3]

Mover and Shaker in Local Business, Sponsored by St Mary’s Bank: Paul Mailhot, VP of Business Operations at Dyn Inc, came in to talk about the great work they’re doing around the community. Think they’re planning to leave the Queen City? Find out right here.

[dewplayer: Hour 2b.mp3]

Tom Brennan, Superintendent of Schools: Tom Brennan, Superintendent of Manchester Schools, came in to BREAK NEWS about redistricting. Dr. Brennan is moving ahead with his redistricting plan! If Tom had his way, what would things look like in Manchester? Rich asks and Tom answers.

[dewplayer: Hour 2c.mp3]

Hour Number Three

Rich continues his discussion with Superintendent Tom Brennan and the discussion shifts to his vision for West High School. Plus, Patrice in Manchester called in.

[dewplayer: Hour 3a.mp3]

Tech Knowledge with Greg Mason: Greg Mason, founder of Merrimack River Technology, came in to extend last week’s discussion about cell phones by bringing in tablets!

[dewplayer: Hour 3b.mp3]

Rich returns the discussion to his conversation with Superintendent Tom Brennan and his vision for West High School.

[dewplayer: Hour 3c.mp3]