Profiled: Ann Marie Banfield
Ann Marie Banfield began working as Cornerstone’s Education Liaison in 2009. As an education activist, she took her decade long research on education to Concord. Working with experts in education from across the country, she offers valuable insight into problems and successes in education. She holds a B.A. in Business Management from Franklin University in Columbus Ohio. Ann Marie and her husband have three children and reside in Bedford, NH.
Profiled: Ann Marie Banfield
Ann Marie Banfield began working as Cornerstone’s Education Liaison in 2009. As an education activist, she took her decade long research on education to Concord. Working with experts in education from across the country, she offers valuable insight into problems and successes in education. She holds a B.A. in Business Management from Franklin University in Columbus Ohio. Ann Marie and her husband have three children and reside in Bedford, NH.
Girard at Large Broadcast Archive
Listen to Ann Marie’s Girard at Large interview from 12-13-2011 |
Bedford resident Ann Marie Banfield who is nice enough to stay for the entire hour to talk about some very real concerns she has with some new changes that are taking place in the Bedford School district and beyond. Do not miss this eye-opening extended interview! |
[dewplayer: ann marie banfield.mp3] |
Interview related links |
Links: Email: International Baccalaureate : IB Changing values in students to support UN agenda: UNESCO using IB to promote UN propaganda: Education blog for NH: Course Level Competencies per NH Dept. of ed: Letter to Editor: Competency Based Ed. where’s the proof it works : Competency Based Ed. Coming to a NH School Near You: |
Girard at Large Document Archive

Download the complete 24 page PDF file
The Underserved Third: How Our Educational Structures Populate an Educational Underclass
Regina Deil-Amen
Center for the Study of Higher Education, University of Arizona
Stefanie DeLuca
Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University
In this article, we present multiple assertions relevant to the plight of students who are underserved and structurally positioned to transition out of school unable to access labor market rewards. First, we juxtapose economic realities against collective ideologies about the role of education in creating opportunities for individuals. Second, we discuss conceptual understandings of ‘‘tracking’’ with a particular focus on the role of subbaccalaureate education in the tracking and transition process. Third, we propose to dismantle dichotomous notions of ‘‘career’’ and ‘‘college’’ preparation to expand opportunities for underserved students and reduce inequities by preparing all students for both college and work options simultaneously.