(Hours 3a,b,c)

Michelle Levelle

In the absence of Is Our Children Learning Anchor Sid Glassner, Rich covered last month’s New Hampshire Board of Education meeting that has caused a stir among the community.  He started by playing a clip (Time Stamp: 06:30) about Ada from Greenland, who stepped down from her occupation as a medical doctor in order to homeschool her children.  He commented on her motives and discussed statements made by Board of Ed. Chairman Tom Raffio.

Click here for the link to the video.

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(Hour 3b) Rich played the second clip in this segment (Time Stamp: 16:30), in which Amy from Greenland complained about the lack of challenge that the Common Core standards are presenting to her children and she displayed her disapproval in competency grading.  He then provided further commentary, sharing his own disapproval with project based learning.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/316384058″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


(Hour 3c) In the final clip (Time Stamp: 26:56), Nashua School Board member Doris Hohensee addressed her concerns with project based learning.  She told the Board about problems that she has experienced with transparency in local government, before she commented on spending caps.  Rich then closed the show out by reminding listeners about transparency issues from the past.  

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