We come together to do what we do best as Americans – stand firm for our ideals, our principles, our values and our country. We work hard and give our best because it is about the future of America.
We Must Take America Back – Steve Vaus – The OFFICIAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0eoE9mi9iwmusic video
This campaign is about America, the land of the free because of the brave. This campaign is about Family, about Faith, about Freedom and about putting God back in His place of honor.
During my involvement in this war for the heart and soul of America, time and again, I observe elections where candidates who fully embrace the principles of the Republican Party split the conservative vote-thus enabling the candidate who compromises our basic tenets of life, liberty and property to slide into victory. This happened recently in South Carolina and it happened in the 2012 2nd Congressional District race here in NH and it happened in 2010 when I ran for governor. I will not let it happen again.
The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again – expecting a different result. We MUST break the patterns of the past in order to WIN the future. At this critical juncture in preparation for the New Hampshire Republican Primary for the U.S. Senate, it is critical that only one principled conservative candidate is listed on the primary ballot.
It is time for all of us to put aside pride and focus on our greater GOAL, that of fighting for Family, Faith and Freedom. I will not force our principle-driven primary voters to make a self-defeating choice. After much prayer and consultation, I will step aside to allow Senator Bob Smith to be the ONLY conservative name on the primary ballot.
And now I am asking each one of YOU to join me in support of Bob Smith for US Senate.
We still have an uphill battle before us. We must stand united as we go forward to protect and secure our liberties and our freedoms. The future of our State and the future of America is at risk.
We CAN win the battle for the hearts and soul of our country, but ONLY if we UNITE. So let us join TOGETHER in the fight to win the nomination with the true platform driven Republican – Bob Smith.
Senator Smith has a well-earned reputation of standing firm for our conservative beliefs and values and for fighting Washington to stop their overreach. Bob Smith was TEA Party before it had a name.
WE can make a difference. Will you to continue the fight for our principles, our values and our nation? It is going to take ALL of OUR active participation and our financial support to accomplish this mission. Let us give it our all as we act like it is all up to us AND know and believe that God will honor us as we honor Him with our actions.
Let us UNITE as one band of supporters behind Senator Bob Smith as he files to become THE conservative Republican nominee for US Senate in 2014.
We MUST take back America!