(Hour 1a, b) Kurt Wuelper, President of NH Right to Life is concerned about legislation in Concord that he believes threatens unborn babies and every citizen’s First Amendment rights in the State of NH. HB 1503 and HB 217 regard unborn children who are killed in drunk driving accidents. There are penalties for killing the mother, but NH courts don’t recognize unborn babies as people. Wuelper explains that this is the case due to Democrats “in the total grip of the abortion industry.”
(Hour 1a) 04-08-2014 Hour 1a
Wuelper explained the importance of the 8-week threshold for the unborn. Also, SB 319 and the “Buffer Zone” it would establish around abortion clinics. Does it violate First Amendment rights? People praying near an abortion clinic is intimidating? Also, the pro-choice organizations who support and lobby the State House for such legislation.
(Hour 1b) 04-08-2014 Hour 1b